jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011
Full Tilt Poker on Why it Hasn't Been Able to Pay Back Players Read more: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2011/08/full-tilt-poker-why-it-hasn-t-been-ab

Tuesday night, Nathan Vardi from Forbes.com released a statement he received from Full Tilt Poker.
In the statement, the company explains why it has not been able to pay back its players, citing Black Friday, government cash seizures in the two years preceding Black Friday, and theft from one of its payment processors as the events that have caused the company financial issues. The company also states that six outside investors made their way to Dublin to take a look at the operations. Full Tilt Poker is currently using a financial adviser to help find an investor and a new management team.
Here is the statement in full from Forbes.com.
"As is obvious from the events that have transpired since April 15th, Full Tilt Poker was not prepared for the far-reaching, US government enforcement effort of Black Friday."
"The events of Black Friday came on the heels of prior government enforcement activities and significant theft. Over the two years preceding Black Friday, the US government seized approximately $115M of player funds located in U.S. banks. While we believed that offering peer-to-peer online poker did not violate any federal laws — a belief supported by many solid and well-reasoned legal opinions — the DOJ took a different view. In addition, as was widely reported, a key payment processor stole approximately $42M from Full Tilt Poker. Until April 15th, Full Tilt Poker had always covered these losses so that no player was ever affected. Finally, during late 2010 and early 2011, Full Tilt Poker experienced unprecedented issues with some of its third-party processors that greatly contributed to its financial problems. While the company was on its way to addressing the problems caused by these processors, Full Tilt Poker never anticipated that the DOJ would proceed as it did by seizing our global domain name and shutting down the site worldwide."
"Over the last four months, Full Tilt Poker has been actively exploring opportunities with outside investors in order to stabilize the company and pay back our players. At least six of those groups, including hedge funds, operators of other internet businesses and individual investors, have visited Dublin to inspect the operation. We have recently engaged an additional financial adviser through an investment banking group to assist us in our search for an infusion of cash as well as a new management team to restore the site and repay players. While any deal of this nature is necessarily complex given the current regulatory environment, our players should know that Full Tilt Poker is fully committed to paying them back in full and restoring confidence in our operations."
miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011
MTT & Tourney Program : Con la motivacion al 100

Hace tres dias comenze a incursionar y circular por fin otra modalidad en el Poker : MTT y Torneos.
Con esto no pretendo decir que jamas he jugado torneos o Mtt antes, no solo he jugado sino que mi bankroll se disparo al inicio por quedar en 10 lugar en uno de los LAPL Advance .
Tengo muchas expectativas de poder tener exito en estas dos modalidades asi como la he tenido en Sng.
Mi carrera en Sng hasta el dia de hoy , fue empezando con dos ticket de 1.50 $ que me regalo www.intellipoker.com , de ahi hasta hoy ha sido una historia de exito. Forme mi bankroll con esos ticket hasta casi los 500 $ USD , haciendome retos y proponiendome cada vez a jugar sng mas altos.
Espero poder tener mejores resultados en estas dos modalidades iguales o mejores que los que he tenido jugando Sit and go de 9 jugadores.
Que Buy in jugare??
Aparte de continuar siempre con mi programa de SNG siguiendo la misma estrategia que un amigo me enseño por ahi, pienso frecuentar MTT de 90 a 180 jugadores con un buy in de 1.50 $ hasta 15 $ ( dependiendo de las ganancias ) asi como tambien jugar torneos de $ 3.5 hasta $ 50 dolares ( solo si me lo permite la ganancia ) Ocasionalmente deseo agregar un poco de cash game, me gustaria retomarlo despues de leer los tres volumenes de cash game que tengo como material , y por supuesto tambien jugar satelites a eventos mas grandes.
Ayer perdi un torneo garantizado de 11 $ dolares, quede en 200 /768 y desafortunadamente me
eliminaron jugando bien. La meta es lograr un aumento en mi Bankroll para hacerlo crecer aun mas de lo que lo he hecho con los SNG´s que han sido totalmente mi enfoque en este juego del Poker.
Actualmente pues me dedicare a añadir estas dos modalidades a mis sesiones cotidianas, espero pronto poder postear buenos resultados para uds mas adelante.
Exitos en las mesas amigos